


Li Meng-yang's Preface to the Intrigues of the Warring States and Multiplicity in the Construction of Knowledge System in Mid-Ming China


王昌偉(Ong Chang-woei)


李夢陽 ; 〈刻《戰國策》序〉 ; 多重視角 ; 普遍性 ; 差異性 ; Li Meng-yang ; Preface of the Intrigues of the Warring States ; Multiple perspectives ; Universality ; Diversity




31期(2018 / 06 / 01)


171 - 189






Li Meng-yang (1473-1530), a leader of mid-Ming literary archaist movement, was invited in 1523 by the inspector of Henan Wang Zhen to write a preface for a reprint of the Intrigues of the Warring States that the latter intended to publish. Through a close reading of the preface and Li's other works, this paper argues that while Li seems to have, on the surface, taken a moral high round and castigated the Intrigues for deviating from the orthodox teachings of the Classics, he preface actually encourages the readers to approach the text from multiple perspectives. We have to situate the preface in the context of the rise of "miscellaneous learnings" and the "learnings of the masters" in the mid-Ming period in order to appreciate its significance in intellectual history. Departing from the ways the Neo- Confucians since the Song dynasty envisioned literati learning to be a focused pursuit of a grand and universal Way, intellectuals from the mid-Ming onwards began with an assumption of multiplicity and diversity and emphasized disparities among all things. The multiple perspectives that Li Meng-yang exhibits in his preface to the Intrigues is a good case for showing that mid-Ming intellectuals were more inclined to see the world as complex and diverse, rather than to pursue the ideal of universality.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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