


Staging An Elite Reading Community: Jin Shengtan's Commentary on The Western Wing


凌筱嶠(Ling Xiao-qiao)


金聖歎 ; 才子書 ; 《西廂記》 ; 閱讀群體 ; 社會性閱讀 ; Jin Shengtan ; The Western Wing ; history of reading ; print culture ; late imperial China




31期(2018 / 06 / 01)


191 - 228






This paper situates Jin Shengtan's The Sixth Genius Book: The Western Wing in the context of the history of reading. In his tremendously popular commentary on the romantic play, The Story of the Western Wing, Jin defines the text as an artifact that captures the aesthetics of a single moment that is utterly unique and incapable of reproduction. Any writer does not possess his text once it materializes into marvelous writings between Heaven and earth (tiandi miaowen), as these are treasures of talented men whose brilliance of learning renders the patterns of nature as the text's simulacrum. I will examine how Jin uses this definition of the literary text to promote his understanding of reading as a social activity that entails emotional, embodied, and cognitive experiences that fuse subjective identities of the author, the reader, and the commentator in a virtual community of reader-writers sharing brocade-like minds (jinxiu caizi). Jin's theory of reading may resonate with the Poststructuralist perspective on the death of the author-a text is always already embedded in a tissue of signs; to impose an author is to impose a limit on that text. Yet Jin's anticipation of the reader's community is premised on a pursuit of those with equal intellectual capacities. There is therefore no "reading public" within Jin's purview. Ironically, the publishers and editors who produced no fewer than ninety editions based on Jin's commentary did not respond well with Jin's call for a reading community. To fully appreciate the significance of the sociology of reading staged in Jin's commentary, we need to look beyond commercial printing in Qing China and at Choon Korea, where men of letters were inspired by Jin's commentary to re-evaluate the acts of reading and writing.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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