


Women Writers' Consciousness of Talent and Fame During the Qian-Jia Reigns and Cultural Transition


趙厚均(Zhao Hou-jun)


才名意識 ; 閨秀文化 ; 駱綺蘭 ; 歸懋儀 ; 汪端 ; 吳藻 ; talent and fame ; women's writing culture ; Luo Qilan ; Gui Maoyi ; Wang Duan ; Wu Zao




32期(2018 / 12 / 01)


143 - 160






Following the debates on female talent during the late Ming and early Qing eras, women's literary production entered a new stage. Women poets who were active during the Qian-Jia reigns had a stronger sense of establishing their literary fame through making use of the cultural power held by the leading poets of their time. They became the female disciples of these leading figures, and expanded their networks by communicating and exchanging poetic works with larger communities of eminent literati. Luo Qilan, in particular, succeeded in achieving fame through her important connections, including Yuan Mei, Wang Wenzhi, and Wang Chang. She broadly solicited inscriptions for her paintings and collections of poetry, and published The Collection of Inscriptions for the Autumn Pavilion and The Anthology of Poetic Works by Friends of the Autumn Pavilion. Gui Maoyi, another well-connected woman poet, built a literary community that included both male and female poets. She obtained help from the male literati to publish her poetry collection, thereby realizing her ambition of establishing an undying literary reputation. At the same time, she turned her poetic talent into a means of providing for her family, travelling all over Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to teach in elite families. Other well-known examples included Wang Duan and Wu Zao. Wang revealed her ambition of authoring history in a broad array of works, including An Informal History of the Yuan and the Ming, Selected Works by Thirty Ming Poets, and numerous poetic works on historical events. Wu was best known for her variety play, A Shadow in Disguise, as well as for her painting, "Drinking Wine and Reading the Sorrow of Departure." In these works Wu lamented her unfulfilled ambitions and the limitations of gender roles. In general, women poets of this time made all kinds of efforts to venture beyond the inner quarters and can be viewed as the pioneer of the modern transformation of women's writing culture during the late Qing and early Republican era.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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