


An Exotic Rhythm from the East: The Oriental Imagery and the Quest of Ethnic Identity in Jiang, Wen-Ye's Compositions


張琬琳(Chang Wan-lin)


東方想像 ; 國民樂派 ; 臺灣舞曲 ; 布拉格國際音樂節 ; 奧林匹克運動會藝術競賽 ; oriental imagination ; nationalism in music ; Formosan Dance ; Prague Spring International Music Festival ; Art Competitions at the Summer Olympics




36期(2020 / 12 / 01)


81 - 106






The early twentieth century was a century that had the two global-scale World Wars between world powers across continents and oceans. Rising nationalism and increasing national awareness became a major political issue in general society. Eastern musicians reflected on the issue and diligently learned Western music system to get a remarkable grasp of it. Because they knew well the so-called Oriental music sounds must be rooted in the Western music theory to be able to compete among nations by international standards. On one hand, Eastern musicians desired to be seen and rival upon the world stage; on the other hand, Western musicians looked forward to hearing pure Oriental music sounds from the East. However, for Taiwanese composer Jiang, Wen-Ye, the Oriental music sounds are not the ones of a traditional and exotic concept. Traditionally, the Oriental music sounds derive its flavor from the pentatonic scale and use traditional Chinese musical instruments to play. It is under such circumstances Jiang, Wen-Ye compose beautiful musical forms that embody his love and respectful duty to the Taiwanese motherland throughout frequent international music events and competitions.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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