


A Chinese Visual and Cultural Study in the Film Arts: "The Good Earth" as an Example




孫祖玉(Chu-Yu Sun);姚村雄(Tsun-Hsiung Yao)


視覺文化 ; 電影藝術 ; 中國美學 ; visual culture ; film arts ; Chinese aesthetics




2期(2008 / 12 / 01)


10 - 30




本文旨在探究「中國文化體現在電影藝術中的各類文化表徵」。研究議題-「中國文化」之範圍,以人文、藝術、思想三類爲主。研究文本爲諾貝爾文學獎改編之作品,1937年黑白電影《大地》。冀望透過本研究,從視覺文化、美術設計的背景角度分析,將電影中屬於隱喻式的中國文化思想與人文風貌,提出影像評論之具體觀點。包括藝術手法的呈現形式、中國傳統文化符號圖案考證、以及電影中屬於民族圖像誌之影像背後所代表的恆遠道統思想價值。例如:《大地》所刻畫其深直於華人心中的道德標準-漢民族文化的儒家思想。本研究方法,首先以歷史研究法,透過文獻評析,理解中國主體文化思想爲何,並以此做爲主論《電影“大地”中國視覺語境分析》評論之論點•復次,採用解釋學語義詮釋,透過電影劇情之圖像擷取,詮釋影像下的東方視覺思想與歸整列出中國修辭符號。 最後,研究結果如下: 1.西方詮釋中國題材電影中出現的東方「僞符號」現象評論。 2.中國視覺文化在電影藝術中體現的民族價值思想。 3.中國文化符號應用與轉喻之電影表意。


This paper aims to explore the cultural symbols of the film arts represented in the Chinese culture. The theme I attempt to analyze is the ”Chinese culture” in terms of the three fields-humanism, arts, and thought. The text examined in this paper is The Good Earth (1937), a film rearranged from the Nobel Prize winner Pearl S. Buck's work. My research objective can be: Visual Cultures, and Artistic Design. From the two perspectives, I try to propose my viewpoint from the metaphoric Chinese culture and philosophy: 1) what form of the film artistic skills is presented; 2) how the traditional cultural signs and the ethno-iconology of the Confucius thought is embodied. My research methodology is: first, I would employ the historical approach by the literature review to understand what the Chinese subjectivity is and then, I would elaborate it in view of the ”Chinese iconology in the film metaphors.” Second, I would employ Hermeneutics, through the film plot, to interpret the Chinese visual thought. My main findings are: a) the ”pseudo-signs” in the Chinese movies by the Western interpretation; b) the Chinese values of thought embodied in the Chinese visual cultures; c) how the traditional totems of the Chinese mascot are applied and the signification of the Chinese film by the metonymy.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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