


New Aesthetic for Digital Marketing: A Preliminary Study on Rich Media Design-A Case Study of Click! Awards Taiwan 2006~2009




洪雅玲(Yah-Ling Hung)


數位行銷 ; 網路廣告 ; 豐富媒體設計 ; Digital Marketing ; Web Advertising ; Rich Media Design




4期(2011 / 06 / 01)


1 - 15




隨著寬頻網路時代的來臨,靜態的圖文廣告滿足不了使用者的心,於是展現更多互動特效的豐富媒體(Rich Media)躍然而上。雖然豐富媒體有助提升點選率、閱覽時間與廣告效果,但有時太多的特技展現,卻常讓消費者不知所措。面對詭譎多變的數位年代,究竟什麼樣的網路廣告才能吸引消費者上門?本研究想從決定使用者第一印象的數位行銷美學著手,以剖析成功的豐富媒體的必備元素。數位行銷在台灣進行得如火如荼,但對於豐富媒體的研究卻不多見,為了降低學術理論與實務世界的差異,本研究分成三階段進行:(1)訪談台灣網路廣告製作與行銷平台的領導者,以瞭解豐富媒體應該具備的條件與台灣網路廣告的發展現況;(2)搜尋學術文獻上對於豐富媒體的探討,嘗試列舉豐富媒體的評析類目並給予定義;(3)再以2006~2009年「金手指網路廣告獎」得獎作品作為內容分析的樣本,以剖析數位行銷美學設計的新趨勢。研究發現網路廣告是經濟不景氣下的最佳的行銷管道,傳統大眾媒體的使用意願逐漸衰減,而個人化的行銷數位媒體持續看漲,目前台灣的網路廣告額度僅占所有廣告預算的5%,遠低於全球的平均值12%,豐富媒體在台灣還有很大的成長空間;而豐富媒體的成功關鍵在於創意策略、視覺風格、互動原則三大主軸,由於廣告人的策略、設計人的創意與使用者的需求,豐富媒體的設計方向隨著商品形象、流行脈動、互動技術而逐漸多元化,也造就了數位行銷美學設計的新趨勢。希望研究所得可以提供網路廣告行銷者與豐富媒體設計者參考與借鏡。


With the rapid penetration and increasing popularity of broadband internet access, rich media ads are beginning to generate higher recall and clicks than standard banners. Nevertheless, consumers can be overwhelmed by rich media because it delivers too much information to absorb. This study explores various design factors that influence rich media clicks.The development of digital marketing in Taiwan is mature, yet rich media research is still young. The study will be implemented in three stages, the first of which adopts the method of interviews to collect data about how marketers and agencies evaluate rich media ads. Secondly, the critical categories for rich media ads will be searched as part of a literature review, and finally, the rich media ads from the competition of ”Click! Awards Taiwan 2006~2009” will be evaluated by using a content analysis.This study shows that web advertising is the best sales channel in an economic recession. The use of traditional mass media is gradually decreasing, whereas the use of personal new media is continually increasing. The budget for web advertising in Taiwan is only 5%, which is far lower than the global mean value of 12%, so rich media in Taiwan still has the space to grow. Moreover, the critical elements of rich media design are creative strategy, visual style, and interactive principles. Because of the advertising strategy, the creativity of the design, and the needs of the users, the design direction of rich media is changing along with the commodity image, popular pulsation, and interactive technology, to form a new trend of aestheticism for digital marketing. These findings present a complex picture of rich media which will be useful to online advertisers and designers.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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