With the rapid penetration and increasing popularity of broadband internet access, rich media ads are beginning to generate higher recall and clicks than standard banners. Nevertheless, consumers can be overwhelmed by rich media because it delivers too much information to absorb. This study explores various design factors that influence rich media clicks.The development of digital marketing in Taiwan is mature, yet rich media research is still young. The study will be implemented in three stages, the first of which adopts the method of interviews to collect data about how marketers and agencies evaluate rich media ads. Secondly, the critical categories for rich media ads will be searched as part of a literature review, and finally, the rich media ads from the competition of ”Click! Awards Taiwan 2006~2009” will be evaluated by using a content analysis.This study shows that web advertising is the best sales channel in an economic recession. The use of traditional mass media is gradually decreasing, whereas the use of personal new media is continually increasing. The budget for web advertising in Taiwan is only 5%, which is far lower than the global mean value of 12%, so rich media in Taiwan still has the space to grow. Moreover, the critical elements of rich media design are creative strategy, visual style, and interactive principles. Because of the advertising strategy, the creativity of the design, and the needs of the users, the design direction of rich media is changing along with the commodity image, popular pulsation, and interactive technology, to form a new trend of aestheticism for digital marketing. These findings present a complex picture of rich media which will be useful to online advertisers and designers.
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