


The Impact of Teachers Attitudes towards E-book Use on Teaching Behaviors: A Case Study of Elementary Schools in Changhua County


鄭碧瑤(Pe-Yuo Cheng);鄭永熏(Yung-Hsun Cheng)


電子教科書 ; 態度 ; 教學行為 ; E-book ; attitude ; teaching behavior




8期(2015 / 09 / 01)


44 - 63




教學行為乃教學效能與學生學習成就的關鍵,教師應用電子教科書時,會表現出什麼樣的教學行為,這是本研究探討的重點。本研究是以問卷調查法為主,並進行差異考驗,主要結論為:1. 國小教師使用電子教科書之「知覺易用性」的態度愈正向,他們在五個向度的教學行為都愈正向,且達顯著水準。2. 國小教師使用電子教科書之「知覺有用性」的態度愈正向,他們在五個向度的教學行為都愈正向,且達顯著水準。3. 國小教師使用電子教科書之「實際使用」的態度愈正向,他們在五個向度的教學行為也都愈正向,且達顯著水準。4. 在整體樣貌方面,國小教師使用電子教科書進行教學活動時,所表現出來的教學行為在30 個細項教學行為中都呈現正向的教學行為。


The purpose of this study is to explore how elementary school teachers’ behavior is affected by their attitude towards e-books. The research was conducted by applying a questionnaire created from a study of past literature. This study was conducted in 26 schools by using the techniques of stratified random sampling. Out of 432 samples, a total of 417 have been returned with 90.46% of them showing validity. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. When the e-books are considered easy to use, the curriculum, teaching style, communication, management skills, and critique all show significant improvement. 2. When the e-books are considered to be useful, the curriculum, teaching style, communication, management skills, and critique all show significant improvement. 3. The e-books are used by the teachers, the curriculum, teaching style, communication, management skills, and critique all show significant improvement. 4. Teaching behavior showed improvement in all 30 criteria when the elementary teachers used e-books.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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