The purpose of this study is to explore how elementary school teachers’ behavior is affected by their attitude towards e-books. The research was conducted by applying a questionnaire created from a study of past literature. This study was conducted in 26 schools by using the techniques of stratified random sampling. Out of 432 samples, a total of 417 have been returned with 90.46% of them showing validity. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. When the e-books are considered easy to use, the curriculum, teaching style, communication, management skills, and critique all show significant improvement. 2. When the e-books are considered to be useful, the curriculum, teaching style, communication, management skills, and critique all show significant improvement. 3. The e-books are used by the teachers, the curriculum, teaching style, communication, management skills, and critique all show significant improvement. 4. Teaching behavior showed improvement in all 30 criteria when the elementary teachers used e-books.
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