


Applying service design in measuring service quality for a leisure experiencing type of learning institute: Huai De Ju Woodworking School


陳明秀(M.-H. Mia Chen);蔣克衍(Ke-Yen Chiang);許言(Yen Hsu);陳圳卿(Chun-Ching Chen)


服務設計 ; 工藝教室 ; 服務品質評測 ; Service Design ; Craft Studio ; Service Quality Measurement




9期(2016 / 07 / 01)


35 - 49






In the past few years, different kinds of craft studios began to show up around Taiwan, such as metalworking, woodworking, and ceramic art, etc. Instead of helping on developing professional skills, these kinds of craft studios mainly aim to make hand crafting a leisure activity or a hobby for everyone and focus more on sharing the process of creating and the experience the beauty of crafting. These kinds of craft studios do not set their goal on professional skill training. This research is taking Huai De Ju Woodworking School as a case study to clarify the service encounters within it with the customer journey maps of service design first. The services that Huai De Ju Woodworking School provides are defined here in this research as the hardware equipment and the software resource that they provide the members; besides, each service is categorized based on the timeline into "pre-service," "during-service," and "post-service" according to the customer journey maps. With the outcome of this research, we hope to establish a starting point of quality measurement for other leisure experience type of craft studios.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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