In recent years, with the development of tourism, the spatial design of the hotel has been continuously innovated. With its unique design and economical features, the capsule hotel has become one of the choices for many travelers to travel. However, research on how the design characteristics of the capsule's sleeping cabin affects consumer preferences is rare. Therefore, this study mainly explores the situational factors and environmental factors of the capsule hotel's sleeping cabin by the perspective and characteristics of the consumer, and understands the relationship between consumers' willingness to pay. According to the results of the study, it is found that those who are educated in high school and doctoral degree are more willing to pay for capsule hotels than those who are educated at the university. In the situational and environmental factors of the capsule hotel, the subject has the highest recognition of the "decoration" factor, followed by the "light and contour" factor, and finally the environmental factor "size and location". In the analysis of statistical regression, it is found that the environmental factors "size and geographical location" and "paying willingness" have the strongest correlation, comparing with the "decoration" and "lighting and contouring" in the contextual factors. Therefore, at the beginning of the construction of the capsule hotel, it should focus on the choice of location, so as to provide accommodation choices when the consumer's itinerary is delayed, and the young people also need to rely on convenient public transportation to reach the capsule hotel. Regarding the problem of the sleeping cabin of the capsule hotel, it is also recommended to enlarge the interior space by design methods, in order to improve the consumers' comfort and willingness to pay.
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