


A Study of the Knowledge Sharing Situation and Behavior Model of Elementary School Teachers




羅希哲(Shi-Jer Lou);劉一慧(Yi-Hui Liu);孟祥仁(Hsiang-Jen Meng)


知識分享 ; 計畫行為理論 ; 理性行動理論 ; 國小教師 ; knowledge sharing ; theory of planned behavior ; theory of reasoned action ; elementary school teachers




1卷1期(2007 / 06 / 01)


99 - 122






The purpose of this study is to discover the current knowledge sharing among elementary school teachers and also compare the behavior models. Stratified random sampling was carried out among 692 elementary school teachers from seven counties in southern Taiwan. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, One-Way ANOVA and structural equation modeling to reach the following results: 1. Elementary school teachers share the knowledge of teaching, leisure activities, culture and civilization, science, politics and law in the order of the frequency. Significant difference shows regarding to various sexes, ages, and durations of employment. Furthermore, the venues where elementary school teachers participate knowledge sharing behavior include offices, social places, classrooms, conference and the Internet. 2. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) generally performs better than both the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the modified TPB model in terms of compatibility indication and explanation towards knowledge sharing and intentions. Consequently, TPB becomes the best model for elementary school teachers' knowledge sharing behavior. 3. The knowledge sharing subjective norm, perceptional behavior control and attitudes of elementary school teachers positively affect the knowledge sharing intentions. Meanwhile, knowledge sharing behavior has been mainly positively influenced by perceptional behavior control and knowledge sharing intentions.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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