


Effects of the Praise Strategy on Skill Learning in the Physical-Examining Practice Course




黃美凰(Mei-Huang Huang)


技能教學 ; 身體評估課程 ; 讚美策略 ; Physical-Examining Practice Course ; Praise Strategy ; Skill Learning




1卷2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


40 - 58




本研究旨在探討讚美策咯融入身體評估課程之教學成效。為達此目的,研究者乃發展及編製「讚美問卷量表」,以修習身體評估課程的學生為對象,採「不等組前-後測設計」準實驗設計,依授課先後分為對照組與實驗組,每組各48人。實驗組接受「讚美融入技能教學法」,對照組則採「傳統技能教學法」。以SPSS 13.0套裝軟體進行資料分析,研究結論如下:(一)本研究所運用的讚美策咯包括「能力性讚美」、「表現性讚美」、「一般性讚美」、及「努力性讚美」四類型。(二)實驗組在課後技能練習的時數顯著多於對照組。(三)實驗組技能學習之成績顯著優於對照組。(四)實驗組對讚美融入技能教學持正面肯定的態度。(五)讚美策略對技能學習成效有直接而顯著的效果。(六)讚美策略能縮短師生的距離,增進同儕問的互動情誼,能增加課後技能練習時數,涵養積極的學習態度,產生有成就成的學習成果,進而將習得的熟練技能,運用於醫院臨床實務中。


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of Praise Strategy on skill learning. A Praise Questionnaire was developed and applied as the research tool. A quasi-experiment research design was employed in this study. The experimental group and the control group respectively had 48 subjects. The experimental group was instructed the program of the praise strategy on skill learning while the control group was taught the program of the traditional skill learning. SFSS 13.0 for Windows was used to analyze these data, which included descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one sample t-test, ANCOVA (analysis of covariance), Chi-square, and pathway analysis. The results of this study were listed: (1) The praise strategy in this study included ”ability praise”, ”performance praise”, ”general praise” and ”effort praise”. (2) The experimental group had the significant increase in skill self-practice hours after school compared with the control group. (3) The experimental group had a higher achievement in skill learning than the control group. (4)The experimental group had a positive attitude toward the Praise Strategy on skill learning. (5) The Praise Strategy on skill learning showed a direct and significant effect. (6) The Praise Strategy on skill learning could shorten the distance between teachers and students, improve the interaction and friendship between classmates, increase skill self-practice hours, arouse a motivation for learning, raise positive learning attitudes, produce the senses of satisfaction and achievement. Thus, the Praise Strategy within skill learning should be the ideal education method.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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