


Another Type of Nomads? The Analysis of Korean Cross-border Investment in China after 2008




徐嘉隆(Chia-Lung Hsu);蔡增家(Zheng-Jia Tsai)


跨域投資 ; 勞動合同法 ; 韓資企業 ; cross-border investment ; Labor Contract Law ; Korean corporation




3卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


27 - 45






Due to the rising labor cost, the appreciation of RMB, and the Labor Contract Law, China is no longer a paradise as the factory of world production after 2007. Therefore, the study of cross-border investment has become more and more important for Korean corporations, especially to the labor intensive industries such as textile and manufacturing. This paper mainly analyzes the Korean corporations' cross-border investment in China, explores the motives and geographic choices for the cross-border investment. By doing so, it's expected to have a better understanding about the Korean corporations' cross-border investment in China. This paper argues that the Korean corporations did not give up and move out of China because of deteriorating business environment, but even strive harder to open up the market through industrial structural change. As a matter of fact, the cross-border investment has been experienced a tremendous changes. These changes are from geographic concentration to spreading out development, from the need for production to the ambition for market takeover, from small and medium size enterprises to the chaebol-led team work, from primary manufacture to more high end manufacture and service sectors.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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