


Zhu Dezhi and <Lao Tzu Tong Yi>




楊雅婷(Ya-Ting Yang)


朱得之 ; 老子通義 ; 老子學 ; 明代 ; Zhu Dezhi ; Lao Tzu Tong Yi ; Study of Lao Tzu ; The Ming Dynasty




5卷1期(2011 / 03 / 01)


125 - 150






Since the book <Lao Tzu Tong Yi> was written concisely, there were many people trying to translate and commentLao Tzu base on their different knowledge background and point of views during the past dynasties. A huge Lao Tzu theory is established by those extensions the old meanings and by the coming out of new ideas. In general, the most popular analysis of literature in Ming Dynasty was Xin Discipline (心學). According to Li Qing's analysis, there were about 106 books explaining Lao Tzu in Ming Dynasty and 70 of them still can be found now, it was a great time of Lao Tzu theory. According to Wei Dong Chao's <Lao Tzu Research in Ming Dynasty明代老學研究>, most of Ming's scholars explained Lao Tzu after the Empire ZhengDe, which matched the growth of Yang Ming Xin Discipline, although it can not prove the close relevance of Yang Ming Xin Discipline and Lao Tzu, but it is no doubt that their background are the same. The author focus on <Lao Tzu Tong Yi老子通義> of Zhu Dezhi, who was a student of Wang Yang Ming, and belonged to Nanchung Wang's School. Wang's thought effected Zhu Dezhi's explaination of Lao Tzu on using terminologies of Xin Discipline. The main characteristics are: 1. Dividing the Lao Tzu to 64 chapters base on the Kong Ying Da's idea 2. There is no conflict between Lao Tzu and Confucianism 3. By using the terminologies of Xin Discipline such as ”LIANGZHI良知” and ”LIANGNENG良能” to deeply describe the Lao Tzu, it will benefit the research of literature and Lao Tzu a lot in Ming Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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