


Policy Argument: A Case Study of the Example of Chun Tsew with Tso Chuen




符儒友(Ru-Yu Fu)


公共政策分析 ; 政策論證 ; 左傳 ; 傳統修辭模式 ; 對話模式 ; 陰陽捭闔論證模式 ; Public policy analysis ; Policy argument ; Yin-Yang Bai-Ho argumentsmodel ; The Chun Tsew with The Tso Chuen ; Traditional-rhetorical argument ; Conversation argument




5卷1期(2011 / 03 / 01)


77 - 105




本文以當代政策分析大師Dunn, W. N.的政策論證結構為基礎,提出「陰陽捭闔論證模式」的分析架構,檢視中國古籍「左傳」中鬼谷子的言辭韜略,並以實例反覆驗証「左傳」中,可為今用的「策略技巧」與反覆周旋的「言辭論證」。政策倡導者藉由「左傳」中的「言辭韜略」與「說服技巧」,能深化政策論證的說服力,並能爭取到利害關係人對論述主張的認同與支持。


This paper is based on contemporary public policy analyst Dunn's policy arguments model, to propose an analytical framework of Yin-Yang Bai-Ho arguments model, and to examine the strategic-diplomatic speech of the chapter of Gui Gu Zi. in Chinese ancient texts relative to the Chun Tsew with Tso Chuen. In addition, the examples of the rhetorical strategies are provided and the past made to serve the present with repeated rhetoric arguments.Policy advocator with the strategic-diplomatic speech and the art of persuasion, can emphasize the ability to influence others in policy argument and win policy stakeholder's recognition and support of policy claim.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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