To observe the establishment of ECFA between Taiwan and China, the early harvest program in the series of 18 agricultural products, agricultural products for export in China has brought new vitality and opportunities. Under the preferential Policy of zero tariff on fruits, China become the fourth-largest agricultural export market of Taiwan. This study discusses whether the signing of ECFA is an opportunity or threat through empirical model to analyze the factors which affect Taiwanese fruit exporting to China. The evidence indicates that the tariff free policy of PRC on Taiwan's exporting fruit is positive and significant. China's demand for importing fruits dues to market reform, rapid economic development, and continuous GDP improvement. Furthermore, since the number of Taiwan's businessmen and executives has been steadily increased, there is potential of Taiwanese fruits in the mainland. In addition, through revealed symmetry comparative advantage index (RSCA) shows that Taiwan's fruit is relatively more competitive that China's fruit.
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