The purpose of this study was to confirm the causality relationship among quality of service, customer repurchase intention, and word of mouth. Also, the explorations of service quality in teppanyaki restaurants influence customer repurchase intention and word of mouth. The method of this study was based on the structural equation model to confirm the service quality will impact on teppanyaki restaurants' adaptability; then, the discussion of the causality of service quality, customer repurchase intention, and word of mouth will become the foundation of improving the quality of service in teppanyaki restaurants. The subjects in this research are customers of teppanyaki restaurants in Kaohsiung City. The subjects received questionnaires randomly. The total valid questionnaires were four hundred and twelve. The results show that: 1. The research has an excellent adaptability. 2. The model of this research affects the independent variables on the dependent variables directly: ”Service quality versus the repurchase intention” and ”Service quality versus word of mouth.” Both of the effects meet the significant level. According to the results, promoting the service quality has positive impact on customer repurchase intention and word of mouth. Therefore, we suggest five factors which based on the service quality to operators: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and thoughtfulness. The five factors were established on related and specific model in order to improve service quality and then increasing customer repurchase intention and word of mouth.
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