


Motivation and Satisfaction of Tourists to Participate in Cultural Festivals-2009 Kaohsiung Zuoying Wannian Floklore Festiva




吳穌(Su Wu);趙方如(Fang-Zu Zhao);李秋明(Qiu-Ming Lee);周澤宇(Ze-Yu Zhou);林紀玲(Chi-Ling Lin)


萬年季 ; 文化節慶 ; 參與動機 ; 滿意度 ; Kaohsiung Zuoying Wannian Floklore Festival ; cultural festivals ; motivation ; satisfaction




6卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


72 - 89






The purpose of this study were: To investigate the visitors to participate in Kaohsiung Zuoying Wannian Floklore Festival of participation motivation and satisfaction differences, and participation motivation and satisfaction related to the case. In this study, the object were the 2009 Kaohsiung Zuoying Wannian Floklore Festival for tourists. Research tool for the self of participation motivation, satisfaction questionnaires. Data analysis descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and related statistical analysis methods to verify that all assumptions, the significance level set at α= .05, results were as follows: 1, The male participation motivation and satisfaction were higher than women. 2, 40-year-old participants involved in motivation and satisfaction were higher than those under the age of 39. 3, the no career tourists motivation higher than the students. the students satisfaction is also below the various ethnic groups. 4, Get messages from friends and family motivation and satisfaction were higher than by the electronic media. 5, Different number of participation motivation and satisfaction differences did not significant. 6, visitors to participate in motivation and satisfaction were positively correlated.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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