


Different Means to the Same End: On Similarities and Differences of the Ocean Writing by Syaman Rapongan and Liao Hung-Chi




王國安(Guo-An Wang)


夏曼‧藍波安 ; 廖鴻基 ; 海洋文學 ; Syaman Rapongan ; Liao Hung-Chi ; Ocean Writing




6卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


120 - 139






Both Syaman Rapongan and Liao Hung-Chi are leading figures in Taiwanese maritime literature and the researcher of this paper views both as marking the full maturity of the genre in Taiwan. The findings of this research reveal that although these two writers, an aborigine and a Han Chinese, respectively, differ in both personal background and life experiences, leaving their ocean writing tinged respectively with aboriginal and Han perspectives, their works convey very similar meanings, on the basis of which this research argues that while their ocean writing was virtually created with ”different means”, they nevertheless led to ”the same end.” First, in the ocean writing of both, the attempt of restoring the ”lack of subjectivity” is carried out by ”returning to the ocean.” In Syaman's terms, ”returning to the ocean” signifies seeking recognition among the Tao people; it is equally important to identify with the people in order to become a real Tao man. As for Liao, the theme focuses on escaping from the evil nature of human beings; this can only be made possible by returning to the ocean. Scenes of characters caring for each other on the deck for survival are an example of this point and attest to the fact that the writer hopes to remind readers of the close relationship between Taiwan and the sea through his ocean writing. Second, the ocean writing of both implies ”bodily labor,” in which one is supposed to wrestle physically with the immense ocean. The battle with the ocean also constitutes the tension that appeals to readers in these ocean writings. Lastly, the work of both writers expresses resistance to ”modernity.” In Syaman's work, modernity is connected with the Han people by criticizing their imposition of the Han cultural values and monetary economy on Tao people, as well as their damaging the natural environment of Orchid Island, where the Tao people live. Liao emphasizes ecosystem conservation and opposes the overexploitation of marine resources caused by modern technology, which is also a protest against modern people's viewing the sea simply in terms of its instrumental value.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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