Military coups dominated Thai political process for decades before 1991 when the traditional politics of Thailand was entitled as the 'vicious circle'. Beyond the 1991 coup, Thai politics launched a critical democratic transition in which Thaksin Shinawatra rose as the strongman in Thai electoral politics and the CEO in Thai booming economy after the Asian financial crisis. Thaksin introduced his 'new politics' in which Thai political legitimacy firmly based on majority seats in congress instead of the political maneuver by the military. Before the astonishing coup launched by Thai army on 19 September 2006 that overthrew Thaksin regime, the one and half decade after the 1991 coup (1991~2006) was widely known as the crucial democratic transition period that successfully transformed Thai political polity from military dominance to civilian succession. Thaksin regime, based on the ruling Thai Rak Thai Party, just won a landslide victory in 2005 general election and began its second term. However, the military suddenly seized the power, abolished the 1997 constitution, dismissed the congress and terminated the coming elections. These generals did not face any resistance to their illegal, non-democratic measures that apparently jeopardized Thai democracy. The leaders of political parties, the bureaucracy, even the intellectuals are reluctant to defy the coup in words. Why? This paper aims to explore the context of civil-military relations between these two coups (1991&2006) from the perspective of military sociology that emphasizes the dynamics between armed forces and society to explain the political role and political potential of Thai military in democratization.
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