


The Study on the Social Supports and Life Satisfaction for Elderly in Nantou County




陳琇惠(Hsiu-Hui Chen);林子宇(Zih-Yu Lin)


老人 ; 社會支持 ; 生活滿意度 ; The Elderly ; Social Supports ; Life Satisfaction




6卷4期(2012 / 12 / 01)


100 - 127






Taiwan has formally stepped into the so-called ”aging society” which defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1993; therefore, improving the life quality has become an important issue for elderly. This study chose Nantou County elderly as the research subject, aimed to explore the situation of the personal characteristics, the current situation of their social support system and life satisfaction, and also aimed to know whether different personal characteristics of respondents had significant difference with social support, whether different basic personal characteristics of respondents had significant difference with life satisfaction, and whether there was any positive or negative correlation between social supports and life satisfaction. This study adopted cluster sampling method and used paper questionnaires to sample 700 elderly who living in Nantou County to answer the questionnaire, and total of 454 valid questionnaires were collected. The research result as follows: (1) There were significant difference between different basic personal characteristics and social supports, which included gender, religion, medical condition, education level, economic status, and other variables. (2) There were significant difference between different basic personal characteristics and life satisfaction, which included gender, medical condition, economic status,. (3) There was a positive correlation between social supports and life satisfaction, that is, the higher the level of social support, the higher the level of life satisfaction.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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