


The Explorations of the Family Tomb Types in the Meinong Area and Its Cultural Implications-Take the "Zhu Family Cemetery " at Zhutoujiao and Rongshuping as An Example




劉紹豐(Show-Fong Liu);曾純純(Chun-Chun Cheng)


六堆 ; 家塚 ; 金罐 ; 祖先崇拜 ; Liudui ; Family Tombs ; Gold Pots ; Ancestor Veneration




7卷2期(2013 / 06 / 01)


16 - 36






A grave as the final journey of a person’s life, from a single grave for an individual to a collective grave for a family, explains the changes in the customs of ancestor veneration and the ways of tomb sweeping and worshipping. What is commendable is that when opening one page of the Hakka people’s history of the vicissitudes of life, through the deepening of the concept of ancestor veneration, the Hakka people still preserve the integrity of the descent. From making offerings to the ancestors generation after generation to collective worship by the entire clan, the construction of the family tombs in Meinong revives and unites the entire clan by memorizing the ancestors. Under the guidance of the predecessors, the centripetal force and cohesion of the family are formed. The construction of the family tombs solves the problem of the shortage of burial space, as well as eases the difficulties of traveling back and forth among the various cemeteries. Besides, the family members can have more time and space to gather together when the entire clan venerates their ancestors and sweeps the tombs collectively. On the other hand, the construction of the family tombs in Meinong also presents the power of the family as well as the competitive relationships among the members of the same clan; the explanations of the construction types of the family tombs imply the comparison of financial capability between various members of the same clan. The observations of the kitchens in Hakka residences (called yang-zhai) and the sites of the family tombs (called yin-ju) reveal that the grave has gradually got rid of the stereotypical impressions of gloom and horror it has left on people. The construction types of the family tombs are exactly the same as those of the kitchens. The family tombs are just like the micro-models of the main room and its entrance where both life space and death space are connected and where people are closely linked to the land. Thus, they reflect the descendants’ feelings of gratitude towards their ancestors.In its discussion, this research has included the on-site fieldwork, conducted with literature analysis, as well as participant observations and in-depth interviews that are methods of qualitative research. Take the ”Zhu Family Cemetery” in Meinong as an example - it describes the reasons for the construction of the family tombs in the Meinong Hakka area in details, discusses the history of the Zhu family’s moving to Taiwan and being engaged in cultivation, and states the reasons for the growth and diversification of the Zhu family, as well as its solidarity. In addition, it explores the construction type of the family tomb of the Zhu family cemetery and its cultural implications through literature review and on-site visits and interviews. This research focuses mainly on the veneration of ancestral tablets in the main hall and the grave worship for ancestor veneration to explain how Confucian culture has been internalized by the ordinary people in their beliefs, as well as the concern for humanities manifested in Confucian culture, in the religious beliefs of the small tradition.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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