


Community-Based Care across Boundary Integration: A Day Care Center in Pingtung




蘇淑貞(Shu-Chen Su);鄭清霞(Ching-Hsia Cheng);吳麗雪(Li-Hsueh Wu)


日間托老中心 ; 社區式照顧 ; 跨域整合 ; 社區自主照顧管理機制 ; day care center ; care by community ; across boundary integration ; community self-management mechanism




9卷2期(2015 / 06 / 30)


63 - 91






In recent years, the increasingly aging population, extended life expectancy, lower fertility rate, and a decrease of home care capacity have been important issues in Taiwan. Day care centers are one of the community-based caring models that the government is actively developing. But the high threshold of equipment regulations and labor costs cause difficulty in promoting day care centers. Currently, the local government of Pingtung promotes a cross boundary governance integration by providing a day care center. For the purpose of anticipating elderly care, a nonprofit, fair price, and community-based care service will be able to be provided in a community. This study investigates the effect of a pilot program based on a day care center in Pingtung. The subjects are elders with care service in a day care center. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were applied to analyze the service effect based on the documents from the day care center committee. There are three findings summarized for this current approach: First of all, the day care center is able to: (1)provide early response for the needs of elders in the community; (2)be a nonprofit community-based care service charging a fair price; (3)expand the capacity of care service; (4)offer multiple day care patterns; (5)implement community-based care; and (6)integrate care resources. Secondly, there are several problems under pilot operation and modification could be applied: (1)most residents misunderstand the care service of a day care center as institutional care; (2)a high percentage of day care center users suffer dementia; (3)building up user pay mechanisms; (4)the division of responsibilities for volunteers and care assistants; (5)the struggles of day care assistants; (6)building up the mechanisms of the process of registration, leave policy, standard contracts and emergency response. Finally, although this experiment is a pilot program, several challenges are expected in the near future: (1)consensus takes time to be integrated; (2)individual and integral family care service plans should be taken into account; (3)cost benefit analysis should be applied; (4)the boundaries of the care services need to be identified.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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