This article points out the relationship between Confucianism and revenge, and ponders why there are so many revenge stories in the Six Dynasties. What are these revenges? What do they stand for? The Avenger includes not only the Ghost, but also the Spirit and God. What are the differences between these revenges? What are the significances of these revenges if they are explored in the contemporary socio-cultural contexts? Therefore, this article intends to analyze the revenge contents of Zhiguai, that is, mystery novels in Wei, Jin and North-South dynasties, an analysis supplemented by relevant information from Qin and Han dynasties. This article is divided into three parts entitled the "change revenge: the death of Li Qiang," "violate taboos: ghost punishment", "playful attitude: Games for the text" to explore the connotation of revenge in Pre-Tang mystery novels. This article comes up with the conclusion that the revenges in the mystery novels are often revenges from the ghost or spirits and are retaliations that have more symbolic than literal meanings.