
使用者風險認知對遊戲類In-App 廣告點擊意願影響之研究


The Click Intention of Users' Perceived Risks on Games' In-App Advertising




楊美雪(Mei-Hsueh Yang);朱家瑩(Chia-Ying Chu)


風險認知 ; 遊戲類 ; In-App 廣告 ; 點擊意願 ; perceived risks ; game ; In-app advertising ; click intention




10卷2期(2016 / 06 / 30)


1 - 20




隨著行動裝置的普及,使得行動行銷市場逐漸擴大,企業主紛紛開始利用行動裝置來投送廣告,其中行動裝置內置廣告 (In-App Advertising)成長幅度最為明顯,且行動裝置使用者最常使用的APP 為遊戲類。然In-App 廣告的出現可能對使用者造成內容、隱私等各種風險疑慮。本研究因應新平台的發展以及使用者娛樂行為的趨勢,探究使用者風險認知對遊戲類In-App 廣告點擊意願之影響,透過網路問卷調查方式,獲得209 份有效問卷。研究結果發現:1.「時間風險」對使用者點擊遊戲類In-App 廣告的意願具有負向影響;2.「品牌風險」對使用者點擊遊戲類In-App 廣告的意願,影響不顯著;3.「內容風險」對使用者點擊遊戲類In-App 廣告的意願,影響不顯著;4.「隱私風險」對使用者點擊遊戲類In-App廣告的意願具有負向影響。


As the popularity of mobile devices increases, the mobile marketing gradually expands. Business owners begin to deliver advertising on mobile devices. The growth rate of In-app advertising has been among the greatest in all mobile advertisings. There are a wide variety of APP developers; some of them are malicious which may cause users' risks concerning contents, privacy and so on. In response to the development of new platform and users' entertainment behavior, we explore the click intention of users' perceived risks on games' In-App advertising. This study used Internet questionnaires to collect data. There are 209 valid questionnaires. The results show that: (1) "time risk" has negative influence on users' clicks intention of game In-app advertising; (2) the click intention of users' "brand risk" on game In-app advertising is not significant; (3) the click intention of users' "content risk" on game In-app advertising is not significant; and (4) "privacy risk" has negative influence on users' clicks intention of game In-app advertising.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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