Huang Huo Ting was the first Liutui writer to employ only Hakka language for fiction writing and mass production. His Hakka novel Qiu Ju depicted how the hero Qiu Ju and heroine Hao Sheng Tsai rid themselves of the burden of conservative martial view from traditional Hakka village, showing the men and women’s sympathetic process of original quality of life. This paper attempts to use the sense of ideology from Zhou Yi-Xian Trigram to examine the sympathetic process of men and women turning changes from Qiu Ju, in order to ascertain the structure of Qiu Ju and to fit "Kan, li, Xian, Heng" hierarchical relationship from Zhou Yi. The shaping of characters was exhibited Dui on the top and Gen at the foot corresponding to the relationship from Xian Trigram. The development of love between characters fit Liu Yao "'Hallux, Php, Unit, Heart, Mei, Auxiliary Buccolingual" gradual changing from Xian Trigram. Through Zhou Yi-Xian and the novel Qiu Ju between classics and fiction mutual certificate, we could understand the wisdom of Zhou Yi-Xian which is revealed in near taken from the body, away from the objects to pass the virtue of gods, to classifying the affections all things.