


The History of European Integration from the Perspective of Geopolitics




吳雪鳳(Sheue-Feng Wu)


歐洲統合 ; 地緣政治 ; 歐洲聯盟 ; 北大西洋公約組織 ; European Integration ; Geopolitics ; European Union ; NATO




11卷2期(2017 / 06 / 30)


38 - 62




當代歐洲從1951年開始進行統合,透過歐洲共同體(歐洲聯盟),就經濟、政治及貨幣等不同面向持續進行中。廣義地探討歐洲統合的概念,最早可追溯至西元800年查理大帝(Carolus Magnus, 742-814)的法蘭克王國(The Frankish Kingdom),接續1806年「萊茵邦聯」(Confederation of the Rhine, 1806-1813),及1834年「德意志關稅同盟」(Zollverein)。依此歷史脈絡剖析,歐洲統合的成因係由人類與地理空間互動,以及與不同的人類社會集合體在地理空間上互動而形成,循此,本文將透過地緣政治學的研究途徑,分析地理空間對歐洲政治關係的影響,深入探討歐洲統合。


The integration of Europe is known as beginning in 1951. Now the integration is in progress in many dimensions, such as economics, politics, and currency. Furthermore, in a macroscopic view, the European integration can be traced back to A.D. 800, the Frankish Kingdom, then Confederation of the Rhine (1806-1813), and Zollverein (1834). According to the history, we could find that the European integrations were constructed on the interactions between humans and geographical spaces and the interactions among different human entities on geographical spaces. For this reason, this article tries to use a geopolitical approach to discuss European integrations, especially on the effects of the geographical spaces toward the European political relations. It is different from the articles researching through the main integration theories of international relations. The purpose of this article is to discuss the effects of the geopolitical elements on the European integration in order to understand the real significance of the European integration in a deep and macro method.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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