


An Analysis of the Background and Characteristics of the Wang Anshi School of Thought's Interpretation of Zhuang Zi




蔡錦寬(Chin-Kuan Tsai)


王安石 ; 王安石學派 ; 莊子 ; 性命道德學說 ; Wang Anshi ; Wang Anshi School ; Zhuangzi ; the philosophy of daily life




11卷2期(2017 / 06 / 30)


63 - 86






The Wang Anshi School of thought held a prominent position in politics, controlled academia and was profoundly influential for almost sixty years. When it comes to interpreting Zhuangzi, the most important characteristic of the Wang Anshi School of thought is its incorporation of Daoism into Confucianism, as well as mixing Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism together. It also uses Zhuangzi's theory to interpret the philosophy of daily life and political thought, leaving a great influence on the development of Confucianism. The Wang Anshi School of thought's interpretation of Zhuang Zi became the focal point of many people, thus advancing the development of "Zhuang Zi studies", and beginning the trend of the "Confucian interpretation" of Zhuang Zi. Thus Ye Mengde has stated: "Since the year of Xi Ning, scholars began to discuss Lao-Zhuang more often". A similar sentiment is also stated by Lang Qinxiao: "Zhuang Zi studies had thrived due to the praise it received in Wang Anshi and Su Shi's commentaries." These two points thus highlight the fact that Zhuang Zi studies was extremely popular at that time, and that the Wang Anshi School of thought and its contributions to Zhuang Zi studies, greatly influenced its further development. Therefore I chose to research the Wang Anshi School of thought. The goal of this paper is to enrich the history of Zhuang Zi studies' individual case study research method and also offer a more in depth analysis of the Wang Anshi school of thought's interpretation of Zhuang Z and its accomplishments.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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