With the support and input from the government and the private sector, Taiwan's social enterprises are flourishing. Work-integrated social enterprises, which provide active employment promotion for service or commodity sales, are the most common type of social enterprises in Taiwan. The work-integrated employment model aims to help service targets return to the job market through appropriate training and employment channels. Taiwan's work-integrated social enterprises have achieved remarkable results in assisting targets in employment training, counseling and employment. This process has also changed the public's perception that people with physical and mental disabilities are unable to find jobs. In this study, Children are Us Foundation was taken as an example to illustrate its organizational development characteristics, with particular emphasis on its interaction, governance and social impact with other social sectors in Taiwan. Second, based on the findings and observations by the research team, this study provides a detailed description of the definition and development characteristics of work-integrated social enterprises in Taiwan since the mid-2000s. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the close connection between the development of Taiwan's work-integrated social enterprises and Taiwan's political and economic environment and policy context.
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