


"The Snow Oppressing the Country Continues to Blow" - Discussing the Meaning of "Snow" in Qu Dajun's Poetry




陳鴻麒(Horng-Chi Chen)


屈大均 ; 明末清初 ; 明遺民詩 ; Qu Dajun ; Ming-Qing transition period ; Little Ice Age ; Ming loyalist poetry




13卷4期(2019 / 12 / 19)


27 - 48






This study primarily focuses on the works of Qu Dajun, although it also makes reference to other Ming loyalist poets such as Fu Shan, Hanke, or Gu Yanwu. The study examines how individual speech habits, or parole, developed in response to changes in climate and the social environment during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the effect of these developments on the word "snow" in the poetry of the period. This study is predicated on the assumption that China entered a cooling period after the mid-seventeenth century, during the Little Ice Age. In the late Ming Dynasty, the term "the spirit of ice and snow" gained currency in Chinese literary circles as an aspect of literary criticism, but during the Ming-Qing transition period, loyalist poets turned the meaning of the phrase on its head. Ming loyalist poets often referred to themselves as snow. Qu Dajun was from Guangdong. For Cantonese people, snow is often linked with rain. But by the Ming-Qing transition period, the effects of the Little Ice Age had extended to Guangdong, and snow and ice in their various forms fell there as well. As a result, Qu's poetry always equated snow with damp, cold, and hardship. Interestingly, even though Qu traveled twice to the north, this symbolic association never changed.In contrast to loyalist poets such as Fu Shan, Hanke, or Gu Yanwu who identified with snow, Qu Dajun associated snow with the Manchurian Qing. For example, Wengshan Poems contains the line "the snow oppressing the country continues to blow." Qu even regarded snow as coming from hell. When he needed a metaphor for loyalist poets, he used "plum blossoms" instead. But how is it that such different signifiers can correspond to the same signified? Our findings show that Qu's poems carry out a valeur exchange between the meanings of the two symbols "plum blossoms" and "snow." Qu used the concept of "water born of heaven" ("Tian Yi Sheng Shui", 天一生水) to expound on the essential sameness of snow and plum blossoms. This shows that while Qu expressed himself in his own unique style, he nonetheless took the tropes used in loyalist cultural circles into account.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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