


Party System and Cohabitation in Nascent Semi-presidential Countries




張峻豪(Chun-Hao Chang)


半總統制 ; 共治 ; 政黨體系 ; 國會 ; Party System ; Cohabitation ; Semi-presidential Countries ; Congress




14卷1期(2020 / 03 / 17)


59 - 78






By centering on political party systems, this paper aggregates the effective numbers of parties and patterns of majority formation which assays the connectedness of political party coalitions with the executives and the parliaments in newly semi-presidential countries. Theorists often concentrate on the cohabitations of the interactive relations of the executive powers between presidents and prime ministers but less often refer to the relations through which presidents and prime ministers respectively interact with governing coalitions (the executives) and parliamentary coalitions (the legislatures). Hence, on examining the situations in which newly semi-presidential countries frequently form coalition governments under multiparty systems, this thesis promotes that the factors of the party influence of presidents, the executive orientation of prime ministers, or the competition and cooperation of parliamentary coalitions and of the executives, and so on, will complicate the patterns of cohabitation operation. Therefore, this paper investigates the party systems to examine the triangle relations among the presidents, the prime ministers and the parliaments, through which the types of cohabitation can be scrutinized. This thesis gathered materials in ten countries and investigated profoundly and thoroughly these countries' cohabitation experiences. This paper will also make comparisons of political party systems during the cohabitations, and see how the political party systems deepen or convert the implications, and embody the "formation" and the "shift" of cohabitations in these newly semi-presidential countries.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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