


Toward Taiwan: Viewpoint of Homeland and Two-way Communication in Nguyen Kim Hong's Documentary Filmmaking on Southeast Asian Immigrants




謝欣芩(Hsin-Chin Evelyn Hsieh)


紀錄片 ; 東南亞 ; 新移民女性 ; 跨國婚姻 ; 母國觀點 ; documentary ; Southeast Asia ; migrant woman ; transnational marriage ; viewpoint of homeland




14卷2期(2020 / 06 / 02)


25 - 50






This paper explores the narrative strategy of documentary filmmaking on Southeast Asian immigrants in Taiwan with a focus on Nguyen Kim Hong's cinematic works to tease out how ethnic and gender identities have influenced her filmmaking. The first strategy is to adopt the viewpoint of homeland through traveling and filming the host state Taiwan and the homeland Vietnam. By interviewing relatives in the homeland in Vietnamese language, what sorts of implications does the specific viewpoint carry? Secondly, what sorts of social functions have these documentaries embodied by revealing migrant women's challenges in Taiwan? This paper mainly focuses on three aspects of documentary filmmaking: what to film, how to film and film for what, and demonstrates that these documentaries contribute to new immigrants' visibility and self-positioning in the contemporary cultural field as an approach for two-way communication between local Taiwanese and immigrants. More importantly, it proposes that migrant women have been retrieving the authority of speaking for themselves, and these documentaries engender the possibility of interaction between the host state and the homeland.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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