


Exploring the Development of Collaborative Innovation on Air Pollution Governance in Local Communities




謝儲鍵(Chu-Chien Hsieh)


協力創新 ; 社區參與 ; 空氣汙染 ; 網絡治理 ; Collaborative innovation ; community participation ; air pollution ; network governance




16卷2期(2022 / 06 / 01)


97 - 127






While the air pollution governance in Taiwan is a challenge, it is an important issue to connect the multiple actors. Compared to the traditional approach of policy advocacy, the stakeholders have integrated resources to establish collaborative relationships. This study aims to analyze the cooperation of environmental governance through the concept of collaborative innovation via field study and in-depth interviews to understand how actors build partnerships, promote civic participation, and formulate collaborative innovation actions in the community. There are three findings in this study: First, the leadership of street-level bureaucracy cannot improve the knowledge management of air pollution control and educate to shape local discourse for community innovation; second, the civil organizations are brokers to deliver information bridging the network of multiple actors; third, citizen science and citizen participation are considered as an influential and practical strategy to empower local people, and connect resources and networks for collaborative innovation governance.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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