


A Study on College Teachers' Beliefs and Their Teaching Strategies-A Case Study in Taiwan




蔡偉澎(Weipen Tsai);江美姿(Meitzu Chiang);洪維佳(Weichia Hung);蔣仲霖(Chunglin Chiang)


大學教師 ; 教師信念 ; 教學策略 ; College Teachers ; Teachers' Beliefs ; Teaching Strategies


Higher Education Evaluation and Development


7卷2期(2013 / 08 / 01)


63 - 85




教師信念將會影響課程規劃、教材設計、授課方式及教學策略等,並進而影響學生的學習歷程與成效。本研究以某一私立大學為例,探討國內大學教師信念與其教學策略,主要目的有三:一、探討大專院校教師信念之現況,二、探討大專院校教師信念與教學策略間的差異性,三、探討以「教師為中心」與「學生為中心」的教師信念與其教學策略之關係。本研究先進行國內外文獻的探討,針對信念的內涵、信念與知識的區隔、教師信念的意涵,以及大學教師信念與策略之相關研究四部分加以分析。研究方法以問卷調查為主,根據Liverpool Hope University College於2005年設計的「教師信念及意圖」進行編修,設計符合國內現況的問卷,並以專家效度問卷與預試方式提升問卷的信、效度。研究結果發現,大學教師在六大面向:「教學熱情」、「自主學習」、「多元教學」、「師生互動」、「教師專業成長」與「學生專業學習能力」下,教師信念都與其教學策略相符;不論是以「教師為中心」或是以「學生為中心」的教師信念皆與其教學策略呈正相關,反之呈負相關。本研究並未發現教師信念與其教學策略在任教年資與職稱方面有顯著性的差異,而在性別、兼任行政職與學院別之間有差異性。最後提出討論與建議,以供大學院校及教育相關人員進行未來研究的參考。


Teachers' beliefs will affect curriculum planning, teaching materials, teaching content, teaching methods and teaching strategies, and thus affect learning process and outcomes. Because college teachers have far-reaching influence on students' learning, we use an example of a private university in Taiwan, to explore the relationships between college teachers' beliefs and their teaching strategies. There are three purposes in this study: First is the description of the current status of college teachers' beliefs. Second is to examine the differences between college teachers' beliefs and their teaching strategies. Third is to understand ”teacher-centered” and ”student-centered” teachers' beliefs in regard to their teaching strategies. This research reviewed Taiwan and foreign literature to define and describe four sections: The meaning of beliefs, distinguishing knowledge from beliefs, the meaning of teachers' beliefs, related researches of teachers' beliefs and teaching strategies. This research use mostly quantitative method. The original questionnaire was designed in 2005 by Norton, Richardson, Hartley, Newstead, and Mayes's ”Teachers' belief and intensions concerning teaching in higher education.” We revised the questionnaire to meet the domestic situation and to construct the expert questionnaire validity and pre-test ways to improve questionnaire reliability and validity. As findings indicate, most teachers' beliefs are consistent with their teaching strategies in term of six categories. Teachers' beliefs and their teaching strategies are closely correlated, positively and negatively in both ”teacher-centered” and ”student-centered.” As results indicate, teachers' beliefs and their teaching strategies in teaching years and teachers' titles have not any significant differences. However, this study found significant differences among gender, colleges, and serve administrative work in school. Finally, this research provides discussion and suggestions for universities and education-related personnel as a reference for future studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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