This study based on some literature regarding 'Tourism Image' and 'Market Segmentation', along with the resources and characteristics of Dingcaiyuan Theme Pavilion, this study constructs the measurement instruments of travel image and designs the questionnaire accordingly. The survey is undertaken in Dingcaiyuan Theme Pavilion with tourist as sample subjects. It is to segment the potential tourist market according to the image of those tourists. Among those surveys, the completed and effective were 386. By conducting factor extraction, the image was extracted into five factors: 'Abundance of Natural Culture', 'Peaceful Leisure & Educational', 'Traffic & environment information', 'Convenient Service', and 'Complete Facility & Activity'. Furthermore, by using these five image factors working as segmentation variables and conducting cluster analysis, the potential tourist market as divided into three clusters: 'Natural Preference', 'Service Specific', and 'General Leisure'. Tourism image, demographic variable, and travel characteristics were used to describe the characteristics and differences of each segment. The tourist travel's image to demonstrate to of impact analysis findings the traveling shows: 'Natural culture is abundant', 'quite leisurely and carefree education', 'the information of the transportation environment' and 'serve perfect benignity good'...etc. four item to travel the will has notabl influence, obviously the entrepreneur wants to take seriously to be related specially serves the education and the equipment environment maintenance. Finally, practical suggestions of marketing strategy were provided to the related field and tourism industry. Create the largest competitive niche in the tourist market via all kinds of marketing strategies.
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