


A Study on Tourist's Leisure Experience and Tourism Image




陳美芬(Mei-Fen Chen);邱瑞源(Jui-Yuan Chiu)


休閒體驗 ; 鄉村社區 ; 旅遊意象 ; Leisure Experience ; Rural Community ; Tourism Image




3卷1期(2009 / 06 / 01)


33 - 52




本研究主要探討遊客至台東縣利嘉林道鄉村社區進行旅遊之休閒體驗與旅遊意象,研究的目的如下:1.瞭解利嘉林道社區休閒體驗活動之類型;2.探討遊客背景因素,對旅遊意象、休閒體驗之差異;3.探討遊客之旅遊意象與休閒體驗之相關性。 本研究以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,研究結果顯示個人背景變項不同,遊客對旅遊意象有顯著差異,個人背景變項不同,遊客的休閒體驗有顯著差異,旅遊意象與休閒體驗有顯著正相關,本研究之研究假設初步獲得證實。依據研究結果提出本研究建議,在行銷方面可依體驗型態和既有的體驗活動,運用五大策略模組,建構完整的體驗導向策略,在體驗活動規劃方面,可運用體驗活動設計之五步驟,以提供滿足遊客需求的體驗活動,在社區整體環境方面,應改善交通設施、提供更多樣之住宿選擇,並建議社區成立社區導覽解說服務團隊,主動提供遊客旅遊體驗活動資訊。


The main purpose of this case study is to qualify the tourist's leisure experience and. Tourism image The objects of study are the visitors to Li-Jai Lin Dao rural community, Taitung Country. There are three main purposes: 1. Understanding the type of leisure experience of Li-Jai Lin Dao. 2. To qualify the differences of the tourist’s images and leisure experiences according to differences of personal characteristics. 3. To study the relationship between the tourist’s images and their experiences. This case study is carried out using questionnaires to understand the types of resource features and experience activities of Li-Jai Lin Dao and to study the leisure experience of the tourists. The result found that differences of personal characteristics result in differences in tourism image. It is quite obvious the differences in personal characteristics cause the differences of leisure experience. According to the results of this case study, we would like to offer some suggestions. First, improving marketing by using the ”Strategic Experiential Modules” to set up a model from this model we can develop the experience orientation of the tourist. We can also use the ”five steps” to plan activities to better satisfy tourist demand. The environment of the whole community could be improved regarding traffic control devices and also variety of accommodations for the tourist. We suggest the organization of a service foam to provide guiding and interpretation services. Also, more information regarding available activities should be offered to the tourist.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 經濟學
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