


Evaluating the Economic Benefits of Recreational Activity in Shuangsi Township




李杰憲(Chieh-Hsien Lee)


旅行成本法 ; 負二項迴歸模型 ; 消費者剩餘 ; 遊憩效益 ; Travel Cost Model ; Negative Binomial Regression Model ; Consumer Surplus ; Recreation Benefits




5卷2期(2011 / 12 / 01)


1 - 13




本文研究遊客在有「山中威尼斯」美稱之台北縣雙溪鄉的遊憩經濟效益。實證上利用雙溪鄉公所舉辦雙溪鄉綠野遊蹤鐵馬行活動及山藥節大餐活動,對參訪遊客採行之實地問卷訪問資料,以旅行成本模型進行旅客之遊憩效益評估。在旅行成本模型中,為使樣本性質符合統計理論,本文運用負二項迴歸模型(Negative Binomial Regression Model),進行需求函數的估計,再以消費者剩餘(consumer surplus,CS)做為遊憩效益的衡量指標。實證顯示,旅遊次數與旅遊成本、教育程度有顯著的負向關係,與所得及年齡有顯著正向關係,男性、已婚、居住在桃竹苗以北及固定工時者有較高的旅遊次數。旅行成本模型所估計之消費者剩餘每人平均約1891.8元,參與遊客之總遊憩經濟效益為4,161,960元。本文的結果可以提供關心遊憩資源的研究者及相關的經營管理者有效之參考價值。


The visitors of the Shuangsi Township were sample estimated by travel cost model (TCM). The recreation value indices included consumer surplus (CS). The variable included travel cost, education, job, sex, marriage, age, area, income. Negative Binomial Regression Model is applied for the estimation for demand function of travel cost model. The average CS under negative binomial regression model were NT$1,891.8 and the total CS under negative binomial regression model were NT$4,161,960. That report offered managers to make a good decision.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 經濟學
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