


What Environmental Management Practices Appeal B &B Consumers most?




林舜涓(Shun-Chuan Lin);張偉雄(Wei-Hsiung Chang);余梅香(Mei-Hsiang Yu);蔡佳燕(Chia-Yen Tsai)


綠色民宿 ; 環境管理 ; 環境保護 ; Green B&B ; Eco-friendly Practice ; Environmental Protection




6卷1期(2012 / 06 / 01)


57 - 70






As imperative issues for environmental protection lead to a significant amount of related studies, limited literatures, however, address environmental management practices of lodging industry. Additionally, most studies have focused on the hotel industry: little research looks at either B&B practitioners or their guest regarding perceptions on environmental management practices. To the best of the researcher's knowledge, the existing literature indicates that there is a dearth of research conducted on viewpoints of green practices for both B&B practitioners and guests. Nevertheless, practitioners of B&B have been attempting to promote green practices. Not only effectiveness of promotion, but also success to business operations may be highly relevant to consumers' acceptance. As a result, the study attempts to fill a research niche by realizing the environmental management practices for B&B practitioners and levels of consumers' acceptance. This study further investigates the management practices between different categories of B&B establishments.A sample of 17 practitioners and 264 guests from B&B completed questionnaires for the study. Descriptive analysis. reliability analysis and Chi-test were performed. Following is the results that emerged from the present study:1. The most popular ceo-friendly practices are energy savings and recycling of waste. However. the areas of environmental practice where the B&B are less ceo-friendly are practices such as ”Reused linen and towels during stay” and ”Bring own toiletries” that can be easily misinterpretated as poor services by guests.2. The ceo-friendly practices that are most supportive by B&B guests are practices with minimal influences on convenience and comfort of staying.3. Characteristic B&Bs tend to endeavor to decrease environmental impacts and recycle resources: non-characteristic B&Bs focus on educating guests on environmentally friendly practices.4. There is no significant difference with the level of involvement in environmental management practices between different categories of B&B establishments.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 經濟學
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