


The Study of Tourist Intention of Fishing Community Tourism in Penghu-The Factors of Travel Motivation, Perceived Value, Satisfaction and Revisiting Willingness


李明儒(Ming-Ju Lee);郭家瑜(Gu-Yu Kuo);林菁真(Ching-Chen Lin)


漁村觀光 ; 旅遊行為 ; 旅遊動機-推力因素 ; 拉力因素 ; Fishing Community Tourism ; Travel Motivation ; Push Factors ; Pull Factors




7卷1期(2013 / 06 / 01)


17 - 31






This research discussed the influences among push factors, pull factors, perceived value, satisfaction and revisiting willingness of tourists participated in fish community tourism in Penghu. The time of questionnaire distributed was from August to October, 2010. Questionnaire survey was conducted on Qitou, Erkan and Caiyuan in Penghu. Results showed push factors didn't influence on satisfaction and revisiting willingness directly, but influenced on both through pull factors and perceived value. It represented the degree of tourists' satisfaction that constructed from push factors and perceived value. Authorties may focus on factors that driving tourist chose tourist destination, such as food, the content of activities, to attract tourists participate in activities, plan and market activities.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 經濟學
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