


The Effects of Nostalgia and Place Attachment toward Environmentally Responsible Behavior: A Case Study in Lukang Historical Site


吳忠宏(Homer C. Wu);林麗娟(Li-Chuan Lin);鄭以芯(Yi-Hsin Cheng);楊知衡(Chin-Heng Yang);洪千雯(Chien-Wen Hung)


懷舊情感 ; 地方依附 ; 負責任環境行為 ; 鹿港老街 ; Nostalgia ; Place Attachment ; Environmentally Responsible Behavior ; Lukang Historical Site




9卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


1 - 23






This study examines the causal relationships among nostalgia, place attachment and environmentally responsible behavior (ERB), as well as the mediating effect of place attachment. 403 tourists were surveyed who had visited Lukang historical site, Changhua County, Taiwan. Structural Equation Modeling was used to determine the relationships among the variables and the mediating effects. Results show that place attachment which tourists have for Lukang are positively associated with stronger ERB; the extent of nostalgia of Lukang as perceived by tourists is positively and significantly influence ERB. A higher level of tourists' nostalgia in regard to Lukang is also associated with stronger place attachment; place attachment was found to exert a significant effect in mediating the relationship between nostalgia and ERB. In other words, when tourists are nostalgic toward Lukang area, they are more likely to demonstrate ERB. Management implications and recommendations for the administrators of Lukang historical site are subsequently provided.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 經濟學
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