The ecology care and human survival question produced by global warming are continuously to be international popular topics, which are important and need to be solved in no time. Organic agriculture has played a role in improving environment. This thesis used questionnaire survey method to collect necessary materials. The main empirical results are as follows: 1. Most organic agricultural product consumers have the following characteristics: gender-female; age-between 36~65 years old; occupation-servicemen, officials, teachers and housekeepers; education level-university and above; family type-nuclear family; income level-annual income from 700 thousands to one million; diet preference- meat. The most likely frequency for shopping on organic agricultural product every month is ”five times or less”. The most likely shopping amount every month is ”two thousands or lower”. The amount of spending on organic agricultural product most grows 10% every year. The most favorite channel is organic stores. The most favorite organic agricultural products are vegetables. The major purchase motive is health protection. The most important source of information comes from ”the organic promoted association”.2. The organic agricultural product consumer's shopping orientations in the descending order are: (1) convenient experience; (2) economical price; (3) moral value; and, (4) window-shopping. 3. The differences in sex, age, occupation and individual diet preference have exerted perceptible influences on the shopping orientations, but only ”the moral value” and ”the economical prices” have exerted perceptible influences on the purchase motive.4. The different shopping orientations have exerted perceptible influences on the choice of purchasing channel. This research proposes solid recommendations, which can provide the organic agricultural product entrepreneurs with necessary information to draw up their marketing plans.
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