


A Study of Tourist Cognized on Costal Sport Tourism Attractions, Travel Experiences, Perceived Values, and Behavioral Intension




張孝銘(Hsiao-Ming Chang)


運動觀光 ; 旅遊體驗 ; 知覺價值 ; 海域遊憩 ; 觀光吸引力 ; Sport tourism ; travel experience ; perceived value ; coastal recreation activities ; attraction




2卷3期(2009 / 12 / 01)


31 - 51






The purpose of this study was analyzed the tourist cognized on costal sport tourism attractions and their travel experiences. Besides, this study was design to understand the influence on behavioral intension by costal sport tourism attractions, travel experiences, and perceived values. One-site and questionnaires were given to coastal sport tourist in each water recreation area at Penghu, and non-random sampling method is used. 1729 effective questionnaires were collected. Statistics method includes descriptive analysis, t-test, one-way MANOVA, and multiple regression analysis was used. After testing, three results are shown: 1. There are higher cognition on the costal sport attraction was 'good air quality suitable be engage in coastal activities' in Penghu. 2. There are significance difference was different gender, marriage, age, education degree, and one-month income on costal sport tourism, travel experiences, perceived values, and behavioral intension in tourist. The occupations not influence it, however. 3. There are high powerful predict on behavioral intension is costal sport tourism, travel experiences, and perceived values. A Based on these findings, the study not only gives some suggestions for tourism managers and government in Penghu, but also supports research orientation for future researchers.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 管理學
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