


A Study on the Destination Image of the Biking Tourists, Recreation Experience, and the Willingness of Revisiting-Using Recreation Experience as the Mediator Variable




宋威穎(Wei-Ying Sung);雷文谷(Wen-Guu Lei);熊婉君(Wan-Chun Hsiung)


行爲意圖 ; 旅遊目的地意象 ; 遊憩體驗 ; behavior intention ; tourist destination image ; recreation experience




3卷2期(2010 / 08 / 01)


22 - 37






Biking is an important part of urban development and has become a popular sport due to the trend of exercise and carbon-reducing promoted by the government. The purpose of this study used recreation experience as the mediator variable between the destination image of the biking tourists, and behavioral intentions. The subjects were the bikers visited the Dong-Fong Green Pavement, and the results yielded by statistical analysis are as follows: The destination image of the biking tourists has a positive influence on their follow-up behavioral intentions. The aspects in the tourists' recreation experience-physical environment, psychological and self-growth experience have a mediator effect between the destination image and behavioral intentions, especially psychological experience. Based on the findings, suggestions were proposed to relevant governmental authorities as well as researchers regarding follow-up studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 管理學
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