With the rapid increasing of tourism and leisure-related departments in Taiwan, competition has become fiercer in recent years. How to win in so many competitors? It is an important issue for all colleges in the current. The ranking researches of ”leisure and tourism-related departments of colleges” is seldom in the literature, and meanwhile, with the students of senior vocational school, who are willing to further studies but has not yet examined, as the research object is more rare. Thus, in this paper, we investigated the students of senior vocational school in central Taiwan, and at the same time, combined fuzzy theory with multi-attribute decision-making methods as well as employed soft computing approach to evaluate the performance and ranking of the leisure and tourism-related departments of colleges in central Taiwan. The results showed that the top three of importance of evaluation indicators in sequence is ”tuition and fees”, ”location and transportation” and ”admission standards”, respectively. The top three of the most popular schools in sequence is ”B” University of Technology, ”A” University of Technology and ”C” University of Technology, respectively. In practice, these conclusions can provide the information about the preferences of evaluation indicators and schools for students. It can be used as the reference of school enrollment strategy and the positioning of department as well as the students and their parents can also employ it to select departments. In the academic, this paper provides a theoretical basis of the scientific method.
台灣評鑑協會(2005)。2010 年2 月9 日,取自http://www.twaea.org.tw.
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