


The Effects of Recreational Sport Involvement on Health and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly in Taichung City




李城忠(Cheng-Jong Lee);施麗玲(Li-Ling Shih)


生活滿意度 ; 身心健康 ; 運動休閒涉入 ; life satisfaction ; health ; recreational sport involvement




5卷1期(2012 / 04 / 01)


21 - 39






The purpose of the study was to to probing into the effects of recreational sport involvement on health and life satisfaction. The participants were the elderly aged from 55 in taichung city. This research utilized a convenience-sampling method, and collected 365 effective questionnaires. The model was tested by questionnaires and structure equation modeling (SEM). The result revealed that this model runs moderately. The significant discoveries were as follows: 1. The elderly who involve in recreational sport will positively affect health. 2. Recreational sport involvement of the elderly no significant effect on life satisfaction. 3. Health of the elderly will positively affect life satisfaction. 4. Health of the elderly involved in recreational sport will affect life satisfaction with intermediate results.From the result of this research, the most important key factor for the elderly choosing recreational sport involvement was ”central”. ”Physical health” was the aspects in health which the elderly mostly care about. Life satisfaction in the elderly were most concerned about ”emotional state”, ”social interaction” and ”self concept”.The results have suggested that, In response to the rapidly approaching era of declining birth rate aging society, elderly should be more involved in recreational sports, will help enhance physical and mental health to enhance life satisfaction and achieve successful aging in later life.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 管理學
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