


Re-examining the Relationships among Destination Image, Satisfaction, Attitude and Loyalty: The Perspective of Elaboration Likelihood Model




陳寬裕(Kuan-Yu Chen);蘇儀湄(Yi-Mei Shu)


目的地意象 ; 直接/間接經驗 ; 涉入程度 ; 慎思可能性模式 ; destination image ; direct/indirect experiences ; involvement ; elaboration likelihood model




9卷2期(2016 / 09 / 01)


1 - 22




根據慎思可能性模式,個體的訊息處理方式,將導致其對所關注事件之涉入程度而 有所差異。而此涉入程度的差異或將有助於釐清目的地意象、遊客滿意度影響遊客忠誠度的途徑。故本研究乃嘗試以實證方式,探討遊客對文化旅遊目的地的涉入程度能於何時、如何影響「目的地意象/遊客滿意度-遊客忠誠度」間的關係。研究對象以臺南文化古都之遊客進行問卷調查,共獲得有效問卷420份。結構方程模型的分析結果顯示,不考慮遊客對文化旅遊的涉入程度時,目的地意象、遊客滿意度對目的地忠誠度皆同時具有直接與間接效果。但考慮涉入程度時,涉入程度將減低遊客滿意度對目的地態度與目的地忠誠度的影響力,但會增加目的地意象對目的地忠誠度的影響效果。


Drawing on the elaboration likelihood model, this study investigate the moderating role of involvement in the relationships among destination image (indirect experience), tourists’ satisfaction (direct experience), attitude and loyalty in a cultural heritage site. A total of 420 valid questionnaires were collected from visitors in cultural heritage site of Tainan. Structural equation modeling shows that destination image and tourists’ satisfaction have both direct and indirect effects (which through their mediating influence on attitudes) on loyalty. Furthermore, involvement decreases the direct effects of tourists' satisfaction on attitudes and loyalty, but it increases the indirect effects of destination image.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 管理學
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