


Relationships among Sensory Stimulation, Crowding Perception, Consumer Emotion, and Behavior Intention: Mediating and Moderating Effects




陳細鈿(Hsi-Tien Chen)


感官刺激 ; 空間擁擠 ; 社會擁擠 ; 消費者情緒 ; 行為意圖 ; sensory stimulation ; spatial crowding ; social crowding ; consumer emotion ; behavior intention




11卷2期(2018 / 09 / 01)


21 - 44






The previous studies already confirmed the relationship between the sensory stimulation and the consumer's emotion, or crowding perception and the consumer's emotion. However, it lacks the studies simultaneously exploring the relationship among the sensory stimulation, crowding perception, consumer's emotion and behavior intention. This paper aims to take the consumers of Feng-Chia and Yizhong Street night markets in Taichung as the subjects and explore whether the crowding perception plays a mediating role between the overall four-sensory stimulation (sight, sound, smell, and touch) and the consumer's emotion, and further affect the consumer's behavior intention. The results showed overall four-sensory stimulation affect the consumer's emotion through negatively full mediating effect of the spatial crowding and positively partial mediating effect of the social crowding. In addition, overall four-sensory stimulation negatively affects the consumer's emotion was verified. It also was proved that taste stimulation is a key moderator between overall four-sensory stimulation and spatial crowding (or social crowding). Finally, the study proposes the related conclusions and suggestions to improve the crowding issues in the night market.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 管理學
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