


Exploring the Tourists' Intention of Use on Agricultural and Special Product Marketing Platform by Technology Acceptance Model




陳細鈿(Hsi-Tien Chen);王靖欣(Ching-Hsin Wang);李明彥(Ming-Yen Lee);鄭欣怡(Hsin-Yi Cheng);陳怡君(Yi-Chun Chen);邱聖惠(Sheng-Hui Chiu);鄭惠蓉(Hui-Rong Cheng);黃佩雯(Pei-Wen Huang);劉昀淳(Yun-Chun Liu)


科技接受模式 ; 知覺趣味性 ; 知覺易用性 ; 知覺有用性 ; 使用態度 ; technology acceptance model ; perceived ease of use ; perceived usefulness ; attitude of use ; perceived playfulness ; intention of use




13卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


63 - 84




受限於人力與經費問題,臺灣各地方政府及農會之相關網站對在地農特產品的推廣與行銷普遍缺乏創意、內容貧乏,而能結合當地觀光資源與產業推廣者更少。本研究以卓蘭鎮為例,目的是利用免費的Wix網站平台為卓蘭農特產品暨觀光資源建構內容更豐富、詳細與完整的網路行銷平台,以提升卓蘭農特產品暨觀光業之行銷。本研究應用科技接受模式(technology acceptance model, TAM)設計問卷,接著邀請受訪者試用此網路平台,並評估此平台之績效及使用意圖。接著以便利抽樣法與滾雪球抽樣法進行網路問卷調查,共回收有效問卷277份。結果發現「卓蘭農特產品暨觀光資源網路行銷平台」在各構面與題項的績效表現及使用意圖皆佳,知覺易用性顯著地正向影響知覺有用性及使用態度,知覺有用性及知覺趣味性皆顯著地正向影響使用態度,知覺有用性及使用態度皆顯著地正向影響使用意圖。而影響使用態度與使用意圖之前因依影響效果大小依序為知覺易用性、知覺有用性、知覺趣味性。最後,根據研究結果提出改善此網路平台方法。此網路行銷平台結合產業實務與學術理論,有助於卓蘭農特產業與觀光產業的行銷,希冀能對產業與學術有所貢獻。


Overall speaking, the marketing of specialty agricultural products on the websites of Taiwan's local authorities and Farmers Association is lacking creativity and poor in content design owing to limited manpower and funding issue. Only a few managed to integrate local tourism resources with the promotion of agricultural products. This research takes Jhuolan Township of Miaoli County, Taiwan as an example, providing its agricultural products and tourism resources with an online marketing platform that is rich in content by using the free Wix website platform in hopes of improving the marketing performance of its agricultural products and tourism industry. In this study, the technology acceptance model (TAM) was adopted to design a questionnaire. Afterwards, interviewees were invited to try out the Wix platform in order to evaluate its performance and consumers' intention of use. Meanwhile, respondents were selected with the convenience and snow sampling methods to fill in the questionnaire online; total of 277 valid copies were collected. The results show that the platform has a good performance in all constructs and intention of use. The verification via TAM shows that perceived ease of use has a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness and attitude of use, perceived usefulness and perceived playfulness have a significant positive impact on attitude of use, and perceived usefulness and attitude of use have a significant positive impact on intention of use. The factors that influence the attitude of use and intention of use are perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and perceived playfulness respectively. Lastly, ways to improve the online marketing platform are proposed based on the results of the study. In this way, the online marketing platform becomes a combination of both industrial practice and academic theory, which is conducive to the marketing of Jhuolan's specialty products and tourism industry. It is hoped that this study contributes to in both academia and industry.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 管理學
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