


Using Technology Acceptance Model to Explore the Use of Kiosk Check-in for Tourists at Penghu Airport: Moderating Effect of Trust




蔡孟璇(Meng-Hsuan Tsai);王志宏(Chih-Hung Wang)


科技接受模式 ; 自助報到服務 ; 信任 ; 行為意向 ; 澎湖機場 ; Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) ; self-service check-in ; trust ; behavioral intention ; Penghu Airport




14卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


25 - 44






Airports and airlines are gradually promoting the system of self-service check-in. However, it has not received enough attention from the travelers. This study adopted the Penghu Airport, which located on outlying island that highly depends on air transportation, as our study case. This study employed the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and included the trust as a moderator to discuss the behavioral intentions of travelers for self-service check-in. A total of 371 valid questionnaires were collected. The empirical results suggested that perceived ease of use positively affected perceived usefulness, attitude, and behavioral intention. Perceived usefulness also had a positive effect on attitude and behavioral intention. Attitude also positively affected behavioral intention. Furthermore, empirical results also suggested that trust had significant moderating effects on the relationships between perceived usefulness and attitude and perceived ease of use and attitude. Managerial implications and future research directions were also proposed according to the results of this study.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 管理學
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