


The Impact of the Mega-Event on the City Image: A Case of Taichung World Flora Exposition




沈芝貝(Chih-Pei Shen);洪子瑀(Tzu-Yu Hung);柳婉郁(Wan-Yu Liu)


大型活動 ; 活動吸引力 ; 休閒動機 ; 城市意象 ; 臺中花博 ; Mega-Event ; Activity Attraction ; Leisure Motivation ; City Image ; Taichung World Flora Exposition




15卷2期(2022 / 09 / 01)


49 - 72






This study takes the Taichung World Flora Exposition as a case study of a international mega-event. From the perspective of participants, it tries to explore the causal relationship between the activity attraction, leisure motivation, leisure satisfaction, leisure benefits and city image in international mega-events, and estimated the direct and indirect influences on variables by the method of path analysis. In order to understand when local governments are actively working to hold international mega-events. whether tourists can pass the attractiveness of mega-events to city image. The research results indicates that leisure satisfaction and leisure benefits values mediate between the attractiveness of mega-events and city images, and the indirect influences on the overall city image greater than the direct influence. Therefore, the stronger the tourists feel about the attractive effect of the mega-event, the higher the motivation for participating in leisure activities. Relatively, they can also enhance the leisure satisfaction and leisure benefits from the activities. The satisfaction and joy after the activity experience can also create an emotional connection with the local place and convey a new and positive image of the city to the host city.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 管理學
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