


Modeling the Innovation Management of Pristine Monument for Taichung Municipal Historical Site of Jukuiju by Using Method of Ground Theory




范振德(Woody Jann-Der Fann);王晨瑜(Chen-Yu Wang);周玟君(Wen-Jun Chou);蔡伯健(Bou-Chien Tsai);李豪(Hou Li)


永續觀光 ; 紮根理論 ; 創新經營策略 ; 選譯性編碼 ; 原生態古蹟 ; Sustainable tourism ; Ground theory ; Innovative management strategies ; Selective coding ; Pristine monument




16卷1期(2023 / 03 / 01)


1 - 26






Taichung Municipal historic site-Jukuiju (monument) is rich in humanities, history and local community resources. In order to take the advantages of the spatial utilization, enhance the economic value, and activate the sustainable tourism in the community. The purpose of this research aimed to explore the innovation management model of pristine monument. The methods of secondary data analysis and the semi-structured in-depth interview are adopted to collect research data. A total of 12 interviews with monumental managers, responsible public departments, tourists, and marketing scholars are conducted. The reliability and validity of research are verified by 11 consultants with method of triangulation. The research data is analyzed by software of ATLAS.ti with vivo, open, axial and selective coding respectively which authorized by grounded theory. This research obtains 13 subdimensions of the innovative management strategies of monument. There are innovative business opportunity, marketing channels, community tourism, epidemic prevention planning, monumental value, monument restrictions brand culture, featured activities, cross-industry, experiential marketing, service quality, itinerary planning, green marketing, etc. Furthermore, based on the pristine monuments, community activities could be carried out through marketing planning to achieve an innovative management model of alliance and common prosperity.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 管理學
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